Family Support Program
An area on the main floor of Daybreak Parent Child Centre is devoted to our Family Support Program. The family area consists of a large comfortable living-room space, a large kitchen, a quiet room, child-minding space, and a clothing room. This is a warm and inviting space with couches, and loveseats.
Parents and caregivers are welcome anytime in the family area for coffee, tea, or simply for a chat. In the family space information can be found regarding groups offered and community resources outside of Daybreak.
Daybreak is an organization that supports the entire family. There is an expectation of involvement by parents and caregivers when their children are enrolled in the Children’s Program. Staff encourage parents and caregivers to visit Daybreak to spend time with their children in the classroom, on community outings, and during lunch time.
Parent and caregiver involvement can take many forms including participating in parent groups, family functions (i.e. bring someone special to lunch) or attending playgroups. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to join the many groups offered by Daybreak.
Groups at Daybreak are offered to parents, caregivers and outside agencies. For more information regarding groups please contact the Family Program Coordinator at (709 726 8373). Examples of our groups:
- FASD Family Support Group
- Interactive Parenting
- Exploring Art
- Guiding Behavior
- Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program
- Food Security Programs
- Takeout Home Meals
- Food Cupboard
- Baby Cupboard
For parents/caregivers who may need individual support, our Family Support Social Worker (Coordinator) is available for one-on-one chats on-site, in-home or out in teh community for a coffee.
Daybreak attempts to reduce barriers that stand in the way of parents and caregivers attending groups and events. Two of these barriers are child-minding and transportation. Therefore, Daybreak provides transportation and child-minding as needed.
Day Breaking Newsletter
In an effort to keep families better informed, a monthly newsletter and calendar are provided to Daybreak families. The newsletter includes information about upcoming events, groups that are currently being offered, notices of closures and other general notices for families.
Calendars showing program days, times and contact information are accessible by clicking on the “Calendar” tab at the top of the page. The calendar also includes information on special events that may be held each month!